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A powerful bright light during the day in dementia is positively promising

Groundbreaking research 

Groundbreaking Dutch research from 2008 already, highlighted again... because it is so relevant... By the way, this research was not done with the light from Sparckel, but from Philips. It did, however, inspire us to want to develop powerful light.

The study "Effect of Bright Light and Melatonin on Cognitive and Noncognitive Function in Elderly Residents of Group Care Facilities: A Randomised Controlled Trial" focused on the influence of exposure to strong daytime light and melatonin on cognitive functions, mood and other noncognitive behaviours in elderly residents of care homes, most of whom had dementia.

Conducted between 1999 and 2004 in the Netherlands, the study included 189 residents from 12 care facilities. Participants were randomly assigned to either exposure to strong light (1000 lux) or dimmed light (300 lux) during the day. In addition, they received either melatonin (2.5 mg) or a placebo at bedtime.

The main findings of the study were:

1. Cognitive Function: Exposure to strong light showed a modest improvement in cognitive performance, particularly in global cognitive functioning as measured by standardised tests.

2. Non-cognitive Function: Both powerful light and melatonin significantly improved sleep quality and reduced symptoms of depression and agitation. The combination of powerful light and melatonin was particularly effective in stabilising mood and reducing behavioural disorders.

3. Functional Ability: There were improvements in daily functioning, such as better sleep patterns and less disruptive behaviour, which contributed to an improved quality of life for the residents【bron1】.

According to Eus van Someren, one of the researchers, the results were promising. In elderly people with dementia who were exposed to powerful light in a care home, the decline in orientation and memory decreased by about 5 per cent. Symptoms of depression decreased by 19 per cent and the rate of functional impairment decreased by 53 per cent【bron2. These findings suggest that strong daytime light and melatonin may play a valuable role in managing cognitive decline and improving the overall well-being of older individuals in care facilities.

Source: 1 Research Article and, source 2 at the time via web.archive.org: lightforlater.co.uk/eus

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