Daylight lamp ceiling from Sparckel
An afternoon dip, difficulty getting out of bed or loss of concentration throughout the day. All symptoms of a disrupted biological clock. A daylight lamp to your ceiling can help you maintain your energy levels and improve your mood and sleep. Sparckel is the innovative, dynamic daylight lamp that helps you get enough daylight. A ceiling daylight lamp gives you the light of the sun all day long, while just sitting inside. With our Sunny Susan for the ceiling, you'll have a spring feeling all year round!

These days, we generally spend more time indoors than outdoors. About 90 per cent of our time, in fact. Your eyes then catch a lot less daylight, which can have an effect on your biological clock. The sleep hormone is activated earlier than necessary, and you feel sleepy, lifeless and moody. In addition, you sleep worse at night, tire easily or wake up too early.
If you take in enough daylight, your sleep hormone is suppressed and only becomes active when it is dark, or in other words when you need it to go to sleep. The rhythm of your biological clock restores, you sleep better at night and are actually more active and sharp during the day. And that is good for your health, because a poor sleep rhythm makes you more likely to suffer from diseases such as dementia, depression, burnout, cardiovascular disease and obesity.

How it works
With a daylight lamp to your ceiling of Sparckel make sure you take in enough daylight during the day. The light outside has a strength of between 10,000 and 100,000 lux. In most indoor spaces, the strength of light is only 500 lux, of which only 250 lux reaches your eyes. This creates 'biological darkness'. You can see something, but your biological clock thinks it is already a lot darker. A daylight lamp ceiling of Sparckel brings light with a strength of around 1,000 lux. That's already a big improvement for your eyes. Our dynamic light can give you about 12 per cent extra performance in a day.
In addition, Sparckel is not just a daylight lamp, but a dynamic daylight lamp. Our lamps simulate a sunny spring day. From bluish morning light to a warm sunset. Our lamps follow the rhythm of your biological clock and make sure you get the right amount of light at the right time of day. So you always have a spring feeling inside your home or office!
Buy Daylight Lamp Ceiling
Sparckel is the light that makes you feel alive. You can make a buy daylight lamp for the ceiling from Sparckel for more energy, performance and a good night's sleep. Our mission is to ensure that everyone can enjoy the benefits of adequate daylight. With our passion for health and technology, we have the ideal dynamic ceiling daylight lamp developed.
View our Sunny Susan ceiling light and see what difference enough daylight can make in your home, office or healthcare facility. Want to know more? Contact Us or read more about the effect of daylight on your health here.
Something for everyone
We have three models. Jolly James is for your desk, Bright Brenda for the floor and Sunny Susan for the ceiling. So you can enjoy healthy light everywhere!