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How dynamic daylight works

Sparckel is dynamic daylight. That means you plug it in and then enjoy the sun all day long, but inside. You get the right light automatically, but it can also be controlled with our control ring. A positive effect on your energy level, your mood and your sleeping behaviour. With all its consequences!

Our biological clock is out of sync

Did you know that despite windows, we quickly run out of light in buildings in summer? Buildings simply block a lot of light for humans. We can see and perceive just fine, but our biological clock is used to something completely different...

The power of outdoor daylight. Many times stronger than the light we experience when we are inside, many times stronger than regular artificial light.

Because we spend about 90% of our time indoors, our biological clock does not receive sufficient daylight stimuli.

That is disastrous for our health

Your biological clock is the master clock that controls almost all the cells in your body. This includes your day and night rhythm. This rhythm keeps all organs, including your brain, in a natural condition.

The dysregulated biological clock causes your internal body processes to get out of balance, for example our sleep hormone (melatonin). During the day, you feel tired and lifeless, and at night you actually have trouble falling asleep.

And sleep is one of the most important things for your health. And a lack of sleep increases the risk of brain diseases such as dementia, depression, burn-out, cardiovascular disease and obesity.

Of the time we are inside
Source: RTL News
Of people not satisfied with their sleep quality
Source: Brain Foundation
Of people will experience depression in their lifetime
Source: Trimbos

How much light do we need on our eyes?

Sufficient healthy light restores the rhythm of your biological clock. Light is expressed in lux. We need 1,000 lux during the day, which is roughly 4 times more than we get at the office and 10 times more than at home. In the evening, we need light that is warm and amber, like a setting sun. At night, darkness is important.

Our distant ancestors received, not so very long ago, 6 hours of light outside. Our biological clock needs 4 hours of daylight. Blue morning light in particular wakes us up and resets the biological clock. This happens after only half an hour of light.

How much lux we need during the day
How many hours of daylight we need
How much lux we get in the office
How much lux we get at home

How does Sparckel ensure sufficient light?

Professional technology in a recognisable shape. Sparckel strikes a balance between many efficient LEDs with high power and good colour properties, with reliable cooling, an optically favourable light distribution and a simple operating ring. All with the aim of making our biological clock more synchronous with nature.

Discover the Sparckel effect!

The light that makes you feel alive. We don't say this light light light light light light light light lightly, after two weeks you will already notice a difference in your sleep and your energy. Your mood improves immediately. How beautiful is that!

Before after

Frequently asked questions

Yes, sort of, but Sparckel is more than that. We make daylight that is extra powerful and dynamic. With that, it works better than therapy light. Because you easily receive the Sparckel light for 6 hours a day against 30 minutes of therapy light, Sparckel is then 12 times more effective. We have a different philosophy: enjoy daylight all day long because it is part of a healthy lifestyle.
In terms of design, Sparckel has no medical look and can stay on all day. The light comes from above, and the light adjusts automatically, just like a standard sunny day. This makes Sparckel effectively healthy an integral part of our daily lives.

Usually not... Working near a window is certainly healthier because you have more contact with the outside world. However, the amount of light decreases quickly, which means that your biological clock is still not adequately controlled. That is roughly already at 1.5 metres from a window.
Thereby, the weather is often bad, with little light coming through the windows. Or the blind is down, against glare from the sun.
So Sparckel certainly does make sense and has a proven effect, even when sitting by the window.

Outside, there is quickly 10,000 to 100,000 lux on your eyes. Indoors, the norm is 500 lux and only 250 lux hits your eyes. This creates 'biological darkness' even though we can see. With Sparckel, we are making towards 1,000 lux on your eyes. We know from science and the latest expert insights that that amount of light is well our biological clock excites in the morning and afternoon.

At night, there is little warm light outside, which makes Sparckel at night.

The formula of healthy light is the subject of more scientific research. We have developed our design scientifically to the best of our knowledge, also from practice by listening to people. The following aspects are important:
- the amount of light: towards 1000 lux on our eye
- composition of light: peak around 470Nm
- full spectrum: colour rendering Ra >90
- the change of spectrum by day: from 5,000 to 1,800 kelvin
- the angle of incidence of light: oblique from above

Yes to see, but that is usually too little for our biological clock. 500 lux at our desk is roughly four times too little light for 'our eyes to think and feel as if we were outside'.
To see, the cones and rods in our retina work. However, since 2002 it has been known what our globules do, our third receptor in the retina. These ganglion cells are not stimulated in standard indoor light conditions, and so we become drowsy. Bad for our concentration and mood.

The mechanism in the brain responsible for regulating circadian rhythm is called the biological clock. This mechanism is located in a core area in the hypothalamus called nucleus suprachiasmaticus. Light falling on the retina of the eyes is directed via special ganglion cells to the hypothalamus and from there to the nucleus suprachiasmaticus. These ganglion cells contain the light-sensitive pigment melanopsin. The nucleus suprachiasmaticus regulates the wake-sleep rhythm by stimulating other brain regions such as the epiphysis (pineal gland). The epiphysis produces the hormone melatonin, which affects the sleep-wake rhythm.

By receiving more daylight, the biological clock is controlled via spheres in the retina of our human eye. By doing so, we suppress our sleep hormone melatonin during the day and we are on edge, full of energy. The more we suppress that sleep hormone during the day, the better it rises in the evening in preparation for a good night's sleep. We then sleep deeper and longer, to start the next day well rested with extra energy.
And, by stimulating the spheres in our retina with light at the right time, we regulate our stress hormone cortisol and our sleep hormone melatonin in a better balance, via our biological clock. On balance, our mood and mental condition improve.

Believe us and know that even then more daylight will make a substantial difference. Compare it to top-class sport. Daylight gives you up to 12% percent extra performance, enough to successfully respond to changing challenging conditions at work.

No, Sparckel has all the special Led integrated on a circuit board. These cannot be replaced. The technical lifespan stands at 10 years of intensive use.

The clock function is integrated into the controller. Even when not plugged in, that clock continues to run, summer and winter time included. A seasonal clock is even possible. We can set our light scenes accordingly. In winter, the activating part of the light then rises later and sets earlier.
Sparckel is truly plug-and-play: you plug in and the sun comes out. You're ready to live and work healthier.

Yes, we can turn it on. There is a seasonal clock that knows exactly what time the sun rises and sets based on geo-location (longitude and latitude). We can adjust our light scenes accordingly. In winter, the activating part of the light rises later and sets earlier.

The expected technical lifetime is 10 years with intensive use. To achieve this, we use our aluminium lampshade with light slots to keep the LEDs well cool.
The standard warranty is 2 years. And we can extend it for a fee.

Three-year full warranty, under normal use. See also our general terms and conditions.

We can extend the standard warranty to 5 years for a fee.

Yes. Try to be outside as much as possible, even during work, e.g. at lunch. Not just getting a breath of fresh air, but also shining a light.

Live and work near window. And look outside regularly.

And invest in good curtains. Darkness at night helps you sleep longer and deeper, especially in summer.

Yes, for business customers (work & care) we have hire purchase. You specify how many years you want to experience the healthy light and pay an all-in monthly fee. At the end of the term, the Sparckel is your property.

No, Sparckel makes much more light. The light output of those regular smart lights is insufficient at 800 lumens for our biological clock during the day. Sparckel makes up to 10 times more light and it is well designed both optically and in terms of cooling.

The smart lights use so-called RGB LEDs. We are mainly in the full white spectrum.

In addition, we have integrated special healthy lighting scenes based on scientific findings and feedback from existing customers.

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