Sparckel for Home gives you more happiness for a healthier life and success in your work.
The science is clear. Good daylight has an immediate positive impact on your mood. It makes you happier, how nice is that? And, your concentration and alertness increase. This is valuable for reading and hobbies, but also during work. Besides a good laptop and strong coffee, people need powerful daylight. In the morning to wake up well. After that, you get more out of your day. Because, there are fewer naps and sleepiness and more positive energy during the day. In the evening, atmospheric cosy light to relax. Optimal rest in preparation for good sleep. You sleep longer and deeper, and so you are more rested. Ready for a fresh start to a new day. Sparckel is the light that makes you feel alive.
What our customers say
Customers tell us they felt a bit dull and lifeless at first because the living and working environment feels very dark.
With Sparckel, there is more energy in the room. People revive with it. There is an addictive effect of having the Sparckel light on during the morning ritual. Besides strong coffee, I need the daylight.
"I am more focused, it makes me more energetic, happier and healthier. I got to experience it all in 4 weeks".
There are fewer dips during the day, and one feels fit throughout the day. There is also better sleep. "For me, the difference is huge. A day off and I notice it immediately."
Home worker slightly underestimated
It is getting dark earlier again, which is especially noticeable because we are now working more at home.
Where you normally spend all day in the fluorescent lights in the office, now you probably have to make do with a desk lamp and the one bulb on the ceiling. And that can result in a considerable shortage of light with all its consequences.
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Working at home
The Jolly James is perfect for the home office worker. That workstation suddenly meets well to the occupational health and safety standard of light. And, you invest in the sustainable employability of people.
Something for everyone
We have three models. Jolly James is for your desk, Bright Brenda for the floor and Sunny Susan for the ceiling. So you can enjoy healthy light everywhere!